If there was one song you could sing.

One of my favourite scenes from a movie is from the movie ‘Walk the Line’ where Johnny Cash and his band goes for an audition. They start off by singing a gospel song that is trending at that time. Not long after they start singing, the producer stops them, thanks them for their time, and is pretty much ready to see them go. Johnny Cash is surprised by that, and asks what is wrong? The producer responds by saying that that song is just like any other song sung by any other band, and challenges Cash to sing something that he would bet his life on. And so, the song ‘Folsom Prison’ was born.

Interestingly if you watch the scene, you see how Cash and his band start hesitantly, they obviously haven’t rehearsed it at all, but the true authenticity of their talents, their passions and their craft shine through. If Cash had shied away from this challenge and hadn’t pressed into what was a hard, yet life-defining moment for him and his band, the world would have been robbed from not only this great song, but the many great songs that followed.

As young people transition between primary school to high school, it is vital that they be encouraged to find their own passions, even the things that they dislike, and not shy away from the challenges. We live in a world with complex problems, yet it also gives us great opportunities to make it a safer, better place for all to live and thrive in. That is why we fully believe in equipping and encouraging all young people to find their true identity and find a safe community in Australia where we can make this world a better place.


Navigating Influence